Matthew Cenzer
Leah Cox
Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion
Chief Diversity Officer
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dr. Leah Cox currently serves as the Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. In this capacity, she provides the leadership and vision for creating a more inclusive campus for students, faculty, and staff and works collaboratively with all members of the campus and surrounding community. Before joining Carolina, she served as the inaugural Vice President for Inclusion and Institutional Equity at Towson University. She also served as the Special Assistant to the President and Chief Diversity Officer at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia and spent many years working at Gallaudet University leading the university’s first minority student affairs office.
She is a recognized leader and popular keynote speaker who has created innovative programs and initiatives led policy development and strategic planning efforts and has designed and led a variety of student success and DEI training programs. Her work has directly influenced recruitment and retention endeavors for academic institutions and businesses. With more than 30 years of experience working in higher education, business, healthcare, and community organizations she is recognized for promoting and creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizations. Her areas of specialization include personnel development, recruitment, retention, disability awareness, cultural competency, student success, and higher education leadership. She is a skilled trainer, mediator, and certified coach who facilitates dialogue surrounding difficult issues and supports conflict resolution efforts.
Leah Cox obtained her PhD in Counseling and Personnel Services from the University of Maryland, College Park; a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Arizona; and a Bachelor’s degree from Western Maryland College in Art/teacher education.
束村 博子
名古屋大学農学部卒、名古屋大学大学院博士課程を修了後、日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)、米国カンサス大学医学部博士研究員、名古屋大学農学部助手、同大学院生命農学研究科准(助)教授を経て、2013年より教授。農学博士。専門は生殖科学・神経内分泌学。現在のテーマ:哺乳類の生殖を制御する脳内メカニズム、脳の性分化メカニズム。国内外の学会にてシンポジスト・教育講演など招待講演多数。日本家畜繁殖学会島村賞(1995年)、日本下垂体研究会吉村賞(2003年)、日本比較内分泌学会小林賞(2019年)。内閣府男女共同参画局 令和4年度女性のチャレンジ支援賞(2022年)受賞。名古屋大学において教育・研究を通じて人材育成に努める傍ら、総長補佐、男女共同参画室長、同センター長を務め2021年度より副総長(男女共同参画・多様性担当)。長年、女性教員比率の増加、女性上位職の増加、女性トップリーダー育成、育児と仕事の両立支援策、女子学生支援策の推進などに努め、大学、研究機関、自治体、企業等での男女共同参画推進のための講演など多数。文部科学省リーディング大学院プログラム「「ウェルビーイングinアジア」実現のための女性リーダー育成プログラム」プログラムコーディネータとしてグローバルに活躍できる女性リーダーの育成にも貢献。